by Esnayder | Mar 9, 2016 | Casa Sabor, Colombia, Empanadas, Esnayder Cuartas, Food, History, Pablo Salgado, Sabor, South American Food
If there was one theme which might bring war to Latin America, maybe it would be not football, not global warming, not border disputes, nor the disagreements between Chavez, Uribe and Correa – but the humble empanada. The empanada can be (and at times has been)...
by Esnayder | Jan 15, 2012 | Colombia, Food, History, Pablo Salgado, South American Food
Ajiaco is a chicken and potato soup, and a regional variation on the better-known sancocho. It originates from Colombia’s capital, Bogota, in the Altiplano region of the country. This region lies 2,600 meters above sea level, making a warming winter broth a suitable...
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